Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Secret

Tonight Team ESL came ohsoclose to beating one of the Amsterdam Billiards teams. They were smug and joyless and it would have been thrilling to add up the scores and say,"Oh. You....LOST, dincha?" The two most exciting things were that I introduced Kperl to the familyoopsteam, which went well. And that I beat a player ranked much higher than me. I did this by regaining my mojo, and I regained my mojo by repeating the phrase, "I am going to beat you. I am going to beat you," and visualizing all the balls dropping into the pockets with that beautiful THUD. I was feeeeeling the win. Thank you, Esther Hicks.


Anonymous said...

One of the things I hope to experience before I die - is to watch you in action with Team ESL.

jozzard said...

Next year in Las Vegas, as we devout pool players like to say.